Kingdom Freedom Academy (KFA) will soon be a Global Movement to further the Kingdom of God. 
To Learn More watch the following video and then click the button under the video to see our website.”

Self Sustaining & Duplicating Community

Our vision is that members of Kingdom Freedom Academy (KFA) will have the FREEDOM of their TIME and FINANCES to further the Kingdom.

We also will have a physical property where likeminded Christians will be able to support one another through community while learning how to generate ongoing residual income. We plan to be a very successful self-sustaining Global Movement that can be duplicated in other parts of the world.

Our Core Values & Beliefs


In 1996 Michael founded Priceless Possibilities (an online marketing system designed initially for the Home Based Business niche). Now for the 1st time ever, through Kingdom Wealth Alliance (KWA), it is being used to help those in ministry to raise support and stay on the mission field. As well, KWA has an affiliate program to help Kingdom-Preneurs to have a Christ Centered home based business.


Michael Price

Partner Priceless Possibilities

The Lord brought us an amazing programmer/developer (Scott Cain from Columbia) with over 20 years of Quality Assurance. 

Scott has a heart for the Lord and his knowledge of technology is enabling us to dramatically add value to our Kingdom Wealth Alliance service.

Scott Cain


Glenn Price was called by the Lord back in 1980 to become a full time missionary with Youth With A Mission. He served them for about 20 years and then went to Mercy Ships where he was responsible for helping to raise financial support for the ministry. An amazing man of God, father and friend, Glenn is also the brother of
Michael Price.

Glenn Price

Missionary 40 Years

Pastor Leeper and Michael Price have been friends for almost 20 years. Chris  developed Mission One Million to help orphans in India to become world leaders.

Chris is also heading up ’40 Days of Hope’ an initiative to restor California to Christ.

Chris Leeper


George has worked with us for approximately 20 years and has been instrumental behind many of the new features for our online marketing system.

George has a servant’s heart and is very willing to help find new solutions to make things better. He is a visionary and helps us find better ways to help our clients.


George Scott


The Lord brought Jeff Meyers to our company approximately 20 years ago. He has a servant’s heart and is always seeing how to bless others.

 Jeff has been a very instrumental person as he manages our Technical Support department for Kingdom Wealth Alliance.

Jeff Meyers

Customer Support